May I have your bank card and the withdrawal slip, please?
互联网You need a withdrawal slip and this is a deposIt'slip.
互联网Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip , please?
可不可以让我看你的存折及提款单 呢 ?
互联网Would you please give your withdrawal slip and your passbook?
请把您的取款条和存折给我好 吗 ?
互联网Just fill out a withdrawal slip and go to a teller with some identification.
互联网And you just need to bring your passbook and fill in a withdrawal slip.
商贸英语会话B : Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip , please?
可不可以让我看您的存折及提款单 呢 ?
互联网Will you please complete a withdrawal slip?
请你填写张存款单好 吗 ?
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